Improved living conditions for more than 115,000 people
Improved living conditions for more than 115,000 people
The programs in Colombia have experienced a complex situation in recent years. In 2022, three programs remained in execution, one ending in September. This is the program called All for the Pacific, which has encountered difficulties of various kinds, with the result that some projects have yet to be completed. This made it impossible to achieve all the expected objectives. Still, the planned aqueduct systems in Nuquí and BahíaSolano have been put into operation, and the works in the municipalities of Atrato, Tadó, Capurganá, and Acandí have been completed.
On the other hand, the COL-022-B Multiveredal Integral Pacific Program, which is being carried out in the municipality of Tumaco (Nariño), a priority area for Spanish Cooperation in Colombia, is still underway.
This initiative foresees the design and feasibility of the Multiveredal Aqueduct, which will provide service to several municipalities, and the construction of a water and sanitation system in one of them, Espriella, which will directly benefit 2,300 people.
Finally, the Water Supply and Wastewater Management in Rural Areas program (COL-035-B), which has a Water Fund grant of almost 14 million euro, aims to contribute to increasing the coverage of efficient and sustainable drinking water and sanitation services in the rural communities of Fonseca (La Guajira) and San Onofre (Sucre). The estimated beneficiary population of this project amounts to more than 7,000 people, and during the year 2022, work has been carried out to fine-tune the designs. An additional two-year extension is currently being considered, and it has been decided to suspend one of the planned actions, the one to be carried out in Totoró (Cauca), due to insufficient time to complete its execution.
El pasado 3 de mayo tuvo lugar el Foro Internacional «Alianza regional por la acción climática, hacia la seguridad hídrica territorial» organizado por el Departamento de Cundinamarca, en Colombia. Un encuentro en el que se reflexionó sobre la estrecha relación entre cambio climático y recursos hídricos, tal y como puso de manifiesto la intervención de Carlos Correa, ministro de Medio Ambiente de Colombia, con una intervención titulada «El recurso hídrico, protagonista en la acción climática».
La Cooperación Española, a través del Fondo de Cooperación para Agua y Saneamiento (FCAS), ha participado en el Congreso ANDESCO, un importante encuentro multisectorial en el que se ha debatido sobre el futuro de la prestación de servicios públicos en Colombia y que ha tenido lugar entre los días 7 y 9 de septiembre. Dentro de la programación del Congreso, el FCAS, junto con el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, ha moderado un evento centrado en el «Derecho al agua y mínimo vital», en el que se realizó un diálogo y posterior debate sobre las diversas experiencias nacionales en la formulación e implementación de Programas de Mínimo Vital de Agua.