Delegated cooperation in Paraguay
Water and sanitation for the Metropolitan AMA
Water and sanitation for the Metropolitan AMA
This program involves funds from Delegated Cooperation, FCAS, and reimbursable cooperation. The objective is to expand the coverage of sanitary sewerage services in the region included in the Lambaré river basin, reduce pollution through the treatment and disposal of effluents, increase the efficiency of drinking water management, and contribute to the reduction of Paraguay’s greenhouse gas emissions. The project is expected to directly benefit some 480,000 people in the municipalities of Lambaré, Asunción, Fernando de la Mora, and Villa Elis and indirectly benefit the more than two million people living in the metropolitan area of Asunción.
The intervention has 10 million euro of donation allocated by the European Union to Spain and 1.2 million donated by the Water Fund. In addition, FONPRODE will provide US$60 million (’56 million) in reimbursable cooperation via a credit agreement signed in June 2022, and an IADB loan of US$100 million (‘98.2 million).
La Cooperación Española, a través del Fondo para la Promoción del Desarrollo (FONPRODE), ha concedido un crédito de 60 millones de dólares estadounidenses para financiar un programa para dar acceso a agua potable y saneamiento a unas 450.000 personas de los municipios paraguayos de Lambaré, Asunción, Fernando de la Mora y Villa Elisa. Esta iniciativa se enmarca en el Convenio de Crédito firmado recientemente entre España y Paraguay para la financiación del ‘Proyecto de Agua Potable y Saneamiento para el Área Metropolitana de Asunción – Cuenca Lambaré’