Promoting access to safe drinking water by improving infrastructure and service conditions, promoting sanitation and strengthening institutions.
Promoting access to safe drinking water by improving infrastructure and service conditions, promoting sanitation and strengthening institutions.
Currently, there is only one program in operation in Haiti out of the five that have been implemented in the country by the Spanish Cooperation, which has made it one of the main donors in the Water and Sanitation sector in the country. Called the Drinking Water and Sanitation Sector Reform and Investment Program, this initiative has 70 million euro donated by the FCAS. It aims to contribute sustainably to increasing access to appropriate, equitable, and socially accessible drinking water and sanitation services.
Con motivo del pasado Día Mundial del Agua, el 22 de marzo, resaltamos las iniciativas que el Fondo de Cooperación para Agua y Saneamiento implementa en Haití para contribuir a la mejora del acceso al agua y al saneamiento en el país.
El proyecto permitirá mejorar el acceso al agua potable de los usuarios de esta localidad, alrededor de 15.000 personas. Además, en otras tres ciudades se han comenzado a construir sendos edificios que albergarán las oficinas regionales de la DINEPA en el país