The Great Fund
An umbrella for other funders
An umbrella for other funders
After almost 15 years of work, the Cooperation Fund for Water and Sanitation has positioned itself as a unifier of other financiers, achieving an impact far beyond the initial 800 million euro in donations. In recent years, the FCAS has participated in more extensive programs, with funding from other entities and through the coordination of instruments (EU delegated funds, reimbursable cooperation from FONPRODE, and bilateral funds from AECID), forming new combined operations. The coming together of all these water and sanitation initiatives configured around the FCAS is called the Great Fund. It allows the impact of the original Water Fund to be multiplied.
In this way, large operations have been formed to maximize the impact of interventions, contribute more significantly to the sector’s transformation, and simplify management for partner countries.
These actions are based on three main lines of action: